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Amphibians or Reptiles ?

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My Kids’ Basic First Aid Lesson

 I do think it’s important for kids to learn or at least have an idea what to do when there’s 🚨 emergency, when the adult at home is not responsive 😵‍💫 , when they NEED HELP 🆘 Many might thought I’m overthinking, but hey, sometimes I’m not home and it’s just kids and helper, what if my helper is on the floor unconscious? Do your kids know what to do? I know mine don’t, until now, after they’ve learn to.  Super grateful to have found the BEST First Aid in Hong Kong ! Of course they aren’t the Red Cross or St Johns, but they offered basic course for young kids and if you have at least 2, they are willing to come to your designated place (eg at home).    My kids now know the protocol for emergency :  1. Check if the person on ground is breathing  2. Call the emergency services and intercom the security  3. Carrying out CPR only if the person is not breathing  4. Signal and knowledge on choking and what to do  5. How to handle burnt fingers or hot water pouring over one’s body  6. What

“Jurassic x The Dinosaur Park” Exhibition

It’s no secret that dinosaur is loved by both genders, it’s something boys and girls could be fascinated by. So, kids are pretty excited about the trip.  There’re different areas, such as; tug of war with kentrosaurus; be an archaeologist and dig some bones; the 2 driving around in Jurassic Park areas, where kids got to drive themselves or controlled by an adult with remote; be a mama dino and give the baby some water; wear a robe and be dino caretaker; run faster than a t-Rex etc. Most of them are interactive, which I guess it’s the reason kids find it interesting.  So, there’s a few things you should know before deciding…  1️⃣Mom thinks : ⭐️  for the efforts but personally think it’s overpriced  2️⃣Kids thinks : ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ and they are telling me there’s so much fun 🤨 their favourite are driving, the tug of war with dino and the interactive screen games 😒 3️⃣ For your convenience (if you’re going), first thing is to check the time for the digging fossils game, and queue for it at

Dinosaur Park

That’s what my kids have been calling Ping Shek Playground (坪石遊樂場) .  Located on a top of a hill in Choi Hung, this dinosaur theme playground seems to excite kids, taking them into a world of imagination and adventurous (well, at least that’s how my kids played) .  The playground is filled with caves showing archaic wall paintings, dinosaurs bones and fossils, and a castle play. There are swings at the back, slides, bars for climbing and the special one is a holding drops (I’m not sure what is that called officially, it’s like a fireman pole but all you have to do is hold the handle and step on the plate, then let your body weight take you down) .  My kids met some other kids, and they began playing catch, then move on to role playing pirates going on adventure, climbing up and down, using the castle as their base, the cave as dungeon to keep prisoners, and sometimes with serious discussion into where to run and hide.  Mom think: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  Kids think: ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️  Shade: Not really, un

Playright PlayScope

  A long overdue playhouse. Should’ve visit when kids are under 5.  Playright values children’s right to play, focus on putting theories into practice, child-centred and seek societal commitment to build and upgrade more playful facilities for children to play without worrying.  PlayScope opened in 2009, a play centre wholly designed and operated by Playright. All the items are child-centred, so my kids were still able to have fun and enjoy every bits of it. However, I do think it’ll benefit younger children.  There are different sections, the climbers; messy room where children allowed to draw everywhere in the room; buildings area with blocks; lots of role playing such as construction, household, medical, car racing; workshop area with scraps and cardboards for them to work on etc. My Kids spent most of the time climbing and working with the cardboards, even though I thought they’re a little too old for the facilities, apparently they appreciate the place and had a good time there. 

Spartan Kids ! Aroo Aroo Aroo !

This year’s Spartan Kids race is over. There were one held in May, which ended terribly (refer to : . Then, another make up race was organised last Sunday, on 21st November. Now this is more like it !  There are 10 obstacles:  1. Over under through  2. Spartan sea 3. Muddy pit  4. Slip wall  5. Balance beam 6. “A” wall  7. Spider webs  8. Barbed wire  9. A frame  10. Log jump Kids love every bits! Well, almost every single one except the mud pit which got them in a little bit of a sticky situation. There are moments which I’d love not to forget, moments that my kids made me so proud of myself as a mother 😂  We joint the open category for age 4 to 6, which K is 6y2m and D is 4y8m. They have been quite an active kids, of course I have no doubt in their capability to finish the challenge. However, they do surprise me with their team spirits and sharpness at taking down each obstacles.  K shows her determination and strength in each obstacles, not forgetting